Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Gonti Flicker (Shuffle)

I've never really been a fan of black, but with Sorin and the black/white vampire allies, and know with Kaladesh introducing Gonti, Lord of Luxury, I am becoming a fan.  

The ability to potentially deny your opponents the card they need to complete their win condition or combo, or even better, using it against them is powerful.  Gonti's one drawback, in my humble opinion, is that he is a Legendary Creature and only one copy of him is allowed on the battlefield at a time.  So to utilize his power better, I'll need to find a way to flicker him, that is, exile Gonti and have him return to the battlefield at no cost.

The Eldrazi Displacer seems to be the most popular choice on the various deck building sites, but I don't have any copies in my collection.  And at ~$4 a copy (at the minimum), the Displacer isn't really an option.

Two options I do have are Acrobatic Maneuver and Wispweaver Angel.  For three mana, I can flicker Gonti and get a card.  The Angel is a bit more expensive at 6 mana, but I get a flying 4/4 creature and can flicker Gonti.

So I'm going to try to build a deck around Gonti, Kambal, Acrobat Maneuver and Wispweaver Angel and see how that goes.  I don't think I'll be able to test it before the Aether Revolt pre-release though as this weekend is shot playing chauffeur as my daughter has a indoor field hockey tournament in Spooky Nook PA.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Saturday Showdown

I made it to my first Saturday Standard Showdown yesterday.  There weren't quite as many there as the night before for Friday Night Magic, but it was still a decent turnout. I used the same deck, Sorin, Gonti & Kambal, but was only able to win two of the 4 matches.

So I received one of the Standard Showdown prizes, a three card booster pack, and wasn't terribly impressed.  I wasn't expecting to get a premium Zendikar Expeditions or Kaladesh Inventions card, but I didn't expect my premium foil would be a mountain.

Yep, my premium foil was a Basic Land - Mountain.

My other two cards were Cinder Glade and Cultivator's Caravan.
I didn't have the dual land so that was nice and I only had one of the artifacts in my inventory.

My FLGS received permission to extend the Saturday Standard Showdown an additional week (I think it was due to not receiving the prizes on time), but I will be taking my daughter to her field hockey tournament and will not be able to attend.  So I'll have to wait and see if Wizards decides to do this again to see if I can get a better premium foil.